Wednesday 22 May 2013

Good work from RSS

Even in the face of several challenges, the Regional Security System (RSS) continues to make a significant contribution to the fight against illegal drug trafficking.

This was the view of Deputy Executive Director of the Regional Security Systems, Major Horace Kirton, as he outlined over 2 700 counter drug missions have been conducted in conjunction with the RSS Air Wing.

Deputy Executive Director of the Regional Security Systems,
Major Horace Kirton, as he outlined concerns.
“From 2001 to April 2013, the maritime sector has netted in excess of 90 000 pounds of cannabis, 15 400 kilograms of cocaine and seized approx-imately US$2.52 million. In addition to these seizures, as a joint effort, Coast Guards and Marine Units have also assisted in the seizure of 131 vessels, 11 vehicles and the arrest of 618 persons. These statistics only reflect operations that involved the RSS Air Wing. Of course, there are other maritime operations which were successful and add to the statistics identified here,” he said.

Addressing the closing of the RSS Basic Seamanship Course on Friday at the headquarters of the Barbados Coast Guard, Kirton outlined that there were significant obstacles being revealed as the RSS carried out its operations against illicit narco-trafficking activity.

“Trends in illicit narco-trafficking activity in the RSS domain have revealed deficiencies with having an unbalanced complement of vessels. Take for example the coopering vessels carrying the illicit materials, which now prefer to cooper at least 40 miles from shore. Offshore patrol vessels are better suited to intercept at this range,” he indicated.

Kirton added that with “a mere 11 per cent” of their operational vessels built with capacity to perform effectively in the Exclusive Economic Zones, it was critical for the maritime sector to take centre stage in the RSS’ work plan. (JMB)

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